I am a practicing Shaman, Energy Healer and Chiropractor. Originally a native of up-state- New York, I have lived in Raleigh, North Carolina since 1983. After obtaining an Associates, Bachelors and Doctorate degree, I opened a chiropractic office in 1992. I maintained a very successful referral-based practice for over 11 years, working with conditions from aches and pains to cancers to emotional traumas. It was after this period of time that I felt the need to further my studies in energy healing/medicine.
I had always had a strong interest and fascination with energy medicine, and incorporated it into my chiropractic office. I reached a point though, where I knew there was a lot more to the story with energy medicine than I was bringing to the table. So, that being said, I decided to take a hiatus from my chiropractic office setting and pursue deeper studies. This ultimately led me to the magical country of Peru. In Peru, I was able to work with and learn from the Shamans (medicine men and women/healers) of the Andes and the jungle. I was initiated through sacred rituals into their way of work and living. It’s truly an honor to be in their midst. I continue to make yearly trips to Peru. The learning never stops and of course I get to reunite with some of the best of friends.
After a few years, I reopened my office with energy healing being the primary focus. I still do chiropractic, which is still amazing by itself. Although when you combine the energy healing with chiropractic, most problems that seemingly could never be fixed (physical and/or emotional) can now be helped, resolved and/or eliminated.